The COVALRIA Team, also known as the rashons, is a group of three artists behind the technical and artistic development for COVALRIA. Working together to independently produce and publish the webcomic, each member tackles multiple responsibilities.

To keep things short, we all do a little bit of everything!


Kalil is a Filipino-Australian comic and multimedia artist based in the city of Sydney. Kalil works freelance on multiple art projects with an extensive portfolio of thumbnail art, perspective and anatomy construction, story boarding, and animation experience.

All official artwork produced and published for COVALRIA is developed by Kalil, alongside story boarding and concepting story ideas. Kalil is also responsible for the social media channels.

Irvin I.

Irvin is a Mexican-American writer, journalist, and multimedia artist based in the city of Chicago. Irvin graduated from Columbia College-Chicago with a Bachelor's degree in Communications and Minor in Journalism.

Developing the story and writing concepts, comic scenes, dialogue, lore, character sheets and more are the main responsibilities of Irvin alongside developing concept artwork.

Leslie Swan

Leslie is a Canadian web designer, programmer, writer, musician, and competitive video gamer from Nova Scotia. Leslie is a fourth-year student at the University of Lethbridge studying New Media Design.

Alongside developing this very website, Leslie’s responsibilities include developing the story further, writing concepts, dialogue, and ensuring cohesiveness among the lore and characters.